Disclosure Log
CRDC is required by the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (s 11C) to publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists information which has been released in response to an FOI access request. This requirement has applied since 1 May 2011.
The disclosure log requirement does not apply to:
- personal information about any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable'
- information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable'
- other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable'
- any information if it is not reasonably practicable to publish the information because of the extent of modifications that would need to be made to delete the information listed in the above dot points.
A link is provided if the information can be downloaded from this website or another website. Information that is not available on our website or in this disclosure log, or that is not available in HTML format, may be obtained by writing to:
The FOI Officer
Cotton Research & Development Corporation
PO Box 282
Narrabri NSW 2390
Ph: 02 6792 4088
Fax: 02 6792 4400
Email: comms@crdc.com.au
A charge may be imposed to reimburse the CRDC for the cost incurred in copying or reproducing the information or sending it to you. There will be no charge for the time spent by the CRDC in processing the FOI request that led to this information being made available. You will be notified if any charge is payable and required to pay the charge before the information is provided.
We will try to meet all reasonable requests for an alternative format of the document in a timely manner and at the lowest reasonable cost to you.
Information attached to, or referred to, in the CRDC's disclosure log will generally be removed after 12 months, unless the information has enduring public value. The information described in this disclosure log has been released by CRDC under the FOI Act and is available for public access.
FOI Ref. No. |
Date released to applicant |
Summary of FOI request received |
Summary of documents released |
Other information |
24 July 2014 | An FOI application seeking access to documents relating to correspondence between the CRDC Chair and the Minister for Agriculture from Sept 2013 to Jan 2014. | Five documents: three released in full; two released in part. |