Meeting our Government requirements
CRDC is a statutory authority under the Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 (PIRD Act) and is a corporate commonwealth entity under the provisions of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act). CRDC's partnership with the Australian Government is formalised in a Funding Agreement.
Under the PIRD Act, the PGPA Act and the Funding Agreement, there are a number of specific requirements that CRDC must fulfil.
These include the publication of a five-year Strategic RD&E Plan, an Annual Report, and an Annual Operational Plan, with additional Government requirements outlined below.
Independent Performance Review
Under CRDC's Funding Agreement with the Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, CRDC is required to commission an independent review of its performance. The most recent independent review was conducted by Forest Hill Consulting in 2023.
A typical review conducted by Forest Hill categorises recommendations as: critical (should be implemented as a matter of urgency in order for CRDC to meet its legal and regulatory obligations); important (actions that are expected to deliver significant benefits to the organisation and industry) or better practice (expected to deliver incremental performance improvements).
The Independent Performance Review was completed in September 2023 and made eight recommendations in total: no critical recommendations; two important recommendations; and six best practice recommendations.
The CRDC Board responded to the Review Report in September 2023, welcoming the overall findings as an endorsement of CRDC’s high level of organisational performance and valuing the recommendations as important guidance on areas for continuous improvement.
Download the Independent Performance Review - Executive Summary
Download the Independent Performance Review - Full Report
Download the CRDC Board Response to the Independent Performance Review Report
Best Practice Guide to Stakeholder Engagement
The Best Practice Guide to Stakeholder Engagement, produced by Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, provides a set of guiding principles which apply to all rural research and development corporations (RDCs) – recognising that each RDC is different and consults differently with levy payers and other stakeholders.
In response to the Best Practice Guide, CRDC has developed a Stakeholder Consultation Plan for engaging on RD&E priorities.
Download the CRDC Best Practice Guide to Stakeholder Engagement
Download the CRDC Stakeholder Consultation Plan for Engaging on RD&E Priorities
Download the CRDC Priority Setting Workshop Feedback Report
Strategic Plan 2023-28 Consultation Plan
CRDC's research, development and extension (RD&E) investment is governed by a five-year Strategic RD&E Plan. CRDC has now finalised its next Strategic RD&E Plan, which will run from 2023-2028. Engaging with stakeholders has been a crucial part of the development of the Plan, and CRDC provided individualised feedback to all stakeholders regarding their contributions. The Consultation Plan outlines the engagement and consultation activities that were undertaken by CRDC to help inform the the Strategic RD&E Plan 2023-28.
Download the CRDC Strategic RD&E Plan Consultation Plan.
Indexed lists of CRDC files
CRDC provides access to an indexed list of the titles of all relevant files, including new parts of existing files, as required under the Standing Orders of the Senate.
The most recent indexed files can be downloaded here:
Indexed list of files - July to December 2024
Indexed list of files - January to June 2024
Senate Order on Entity Contracts
Pursuant to the amended Senate Order, the attached table sets out contracts for procurement of goods, services, research services and contracts for services to be provided by CRDC which provide for consideration of $100,000 or more (including GST) which:
- (A) Have not been fully performed as at 30 June 2024; and/or
- (B) Have been entered into during the 12 months prior to 30 June 2024.
CRDC contracts research, development and extension services through the CRDC Research Deed, Multi‐party Deeds and Cooperative agreements or consultancy agreements which contain general commercial confidentiality provisions and may also provide for outputs to be confidential such as intellectual property.
Senate Order on procurement contracts - July 2023 to June 2024
Senate Estimates: CRDC brief
On occasion, CRDC is invited to appear before the Senate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport (RRAT). A brief is prepared by CRDC in advance of each appearance. Briefs are uploaded here when available.